Wednesday, April 9, 2008

~ Growing Isn't Easy ~


I hope today finds you well.

I have been going through challenges and am once again reminded life is full of them, and they are a necessary part of growth. The difference is sometimes we don’t get to choose whether we want to grow or not, life chooses for us and we seem to be thrust in directions we aren’t ready for.

Growth isn’t always easy because it brings questions and uncertainty. The unknown, no sure path of which to follow, the uncertainty of it all in our humanness . I tend to be a creature of habit so change can be really hard for me. I always try and look for the good in all that changes, it’s the only way for me to make sense out of some of the challenges and struggles I have in my life and those I see in other’s lives as well. I have never really realized how much the struggles of others can affect me, but I liken it to throwing a rock in the pond and watching the water ripple all the way to the bank. The closer I am to those who are struggling, the bigger the ripple.

While thinking about “life” I remembered what Doc said about it in Tombstone. He said: “There is no normal life, there is just life and you live it”. How right that statement is and to me its not really about any specific change, or the “WHY” if it, but rather the important thing is ‘how’ you get through it and who you are *after* you get through it. My faith and hope are the most important weapons I have to sheild me against the uncertainess of change. I know change brings growth and growth shapes and molds our character but its not always easy nor something I look forward to.

I am happy to say I finally got this necklace finished. I had it in mind for weeks and every time I would sit down to make it I would hit a creative wall. The worst was I wanted to send it quick because its for someone very special and now that it is done I hope it brings a smile her way. She is loved.
(click to enlarge)

So I am relieved to have it done and it gives me great pleasure to send a smile to someone that I can’t hug.

Remember, the best thing you can do when you want to sigh and look down is:

Keep Looking Up!
