Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Swinging Summer!


Whoa! Its been 4-ever since I updated! I am have a million things going on ~ all good ~ but busy as a beaver! I kept thinking I HAD to get here and update but then then night would come and I would think the usual "tomorrow" and on and on.

Summer is here and in full swing! HOT!HOT!HOT! We are expecting rain in a day ot two so that will be good. We actually have grass! lol I know its not a big thing to most people but when you see everything turn brown and crispy due to the lack of rain... well its nice to see green this year and all the little animals have plenty to eat.
Last night I tried to get a pic of the baby skunk that has been visiting every night, he digs up and eats bugs. Grub worms I think, not sure but he is SO cute with his big, fluffy tail! If you are wondering has he sprayed? Nope - not yet and lets hope he doesn't! lol

I had the neatest thing happen!
As I mentioned in an earlier post I had sold a necklace all the way from California. The sale was generated by the way of a forum my DH visits. Well, another gentleman emailed me and asked for a piece of mine and he was going to use it to propose!
So I have been diligently at the torch creating a pretty set for him! That is about all I can say since she may have access to my blog and I would never want to give the surprise away!

Here is what he specifically asked for. I made several focals for him to choose from and the heart focal was just a "wonder if I can do it"! It came out great!
Hand shaped - thankyouverymuch! ;) I am SO happy with the way they turned out.
Somebody likes green! lol After everything is said and done, I'll post the pics...

Also NEW FRit Alert!!!
The second pic is of a new frit blend I got called GreenWood! I LOVE it!
After a session at the torch to see how it would look I happened upon some beads that match perfectly. Also there is a new Pumpkin color I will be adding to the set and some transparent amber as well. I'll get a finished pic of that set up soon.

I am trying to use clickable thumbnails this time to see if they will save space.
I am hoping to be able to use larger pics so we will see how it works out.

Well I am off and back to the torch!

I hope you are having a great summer..school is just around the corner ya know and it is going to be strange for me not to have to do the usual pre school prep stuff, and a relief too....DS is now looking into the Air Force...and still growing up!

Stay tuned and keep Looking UP!

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